I offer psychological assessments that use effective, evidence-based methods to explore your current difficulties and identify tailored support interventions that can assist further.
It might be helpful for you to talk with a professional who has a range of psychological expertise. These private consultation assessments are usually one-off sessions that provide you space to explore your individual and unique circumstances. These concerns might be about yourself or regarding a friend or family member.
A detailed assessment that will include a thorough formulation of your issues will enable me to provide you with personalised recommendations for ongoing support that are tailored to your unique needs and goals. You may be considering therapy but you aren't sure what modality will be best suited to your needs. I can help match you with the right therapist who is appropriately trained to work with the difficulties you are facing. Assessments typically last one hour and are accompanied with a written report.
I work with a range of institutions including the police, the NHS and the National Rail Network to provide Employee Assistant Program (EAP) assessments. When an employee is struggling with their mental health, I conduct a psychological assessment to screen for mental health presentations such as anxiety, depression or PTSD.
I can make treatment recommendations and discuss options for a sustained return to work. Recommendations might include therapy sessions, a period of time off work on authorised leave or a phased return to work with reduced hours. Assessments are accompanied with a written report and referrals are typically made by occupational health/HR departments.
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